

Catalog Number ACM23417927
CAS Number 23417-92-7
Synonyms 4,8-Dimethoxy-7-[(3-methyl-2-buten-1-yl)oxy]furo[2,3-b]quinoline
Molecular Weight 313.3
InChI InChI=1S/C18H19NO4/c1-11(2)7-9-22-14-6-5-12-15(17(14)21-4)19-18-13(8-10-23-18)16(12)20-3/h5-8,10H,9H2,1-4H3
Purity 98%+
Complexity 423
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0
Exact Mass 313.13140809
Heavy Atom Count 23
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 5
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0
Monoisotopic Mass 313.13140809
PhysicalState Powder
Rotatable Bond Count 5
Topological Polar Surface Area 53.7 Ų
Custom Q&A

What is the molecular formula of 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

The molecular formula is C18H19NO4.

What is the molecular weight of 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

The molecular weight is 313.35.

What are some synonyms of 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

Some synonyms include 7-Prenyloxy-gamma-Fagarine, 7-Prenyloxy-γ-Fagarine, and 7-O-Isopentenyl-γ-fagarine.

What is the CAS number for 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

The CAS number is 23417-92-7.

What is the chemical structure of 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

The chemical structure is C18H19NO4.

How many oxygen atoms are present in the molecular formula of 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

There are four oxygen atoms in the molecular formula.

What is the IUPAC name of 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

The IUPAC name is 4,8-dimethoxy-7-[(3-methyl-2-buten-1-yl)oxy]furo[2,3-b]quinoline.

What is the significance of the isopentenyl group in 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine?

The isopentenyl group plays a role in the bioactivity and pharmacological properties of the compound.

How does 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine differ from other furoquinoline derivatives?

7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine contains an isopentenyl group attached to the quinoline ring, which distinguishes it from other furoquinoline derivatives.

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